What is Lead Nurturing? Benefits and 3 specific methods

What is Lead Nurturing? Benefits and 3 specific methods B2B marketing

What is lead nurturing?

Lead nurturing refers to “nurturing prospective customers (leads) into customers.

Unfortunately, not all potential customers acquired through various channels such as webinars, white papers, and trade shows are highly interested in the company’s products and services.
It is necessary to make a long-term approach to these potential customers by e-mail and telephone and continue to provide them with useful information to increase their willingness to purchase and lead to orders. Such methods and processes are called lead nurturing.

Lead nurturing goals

The target of lead nurturing is the prospects acquired by the marketing department. The inside sales team takes over the nurturing of these prospects and approaches them via e-mail and telephone.

The goal of lead nurturing is to move customers ahead in the buying process.

There are multiple processes that a customer goes through from recognizing a product/service to making a purchase. There are multiple models of which process to follow, such as AIDMA, AISUS, SIPS, etc., depending on the pattern, and they change over time.

Basically, we can say that the process of awareness, information gathering, comparison, selection, and decision-making is followed.

                  Typical Purchasing Process

The first thing to do in lead nurturing is to move customers ahead in the buying process by providing appropriate information according to their stage, from awareness to comparison, selection, and decision.

Benefits of Lead Nurturing

What are the benefits of lead nurturing? It is to prevent lost opportunities.

Since information is now being gathered primarily from the Internet, the customer process is becoming longer and more complex than in the past. Some data suggests that more than half of the purchasing process is completed before a customer contact sales directly.

Even if a contact is made at the beginning of the purchasing process, without continuous follow-up, the potential customer may be taken by a competitor.
Lead nurturing can prevent lost opportunities and increase the probability of order placement.

Lead nurturing examples

・Telemarketing Lead Nurturing.
Lead nurturing techniques include the following


Lead nurturing is all about making regular contact with customers.
White papers, case studies, webinars, etc. can trigger this call. Then, determine if there is a need for the potential customer, and continue to follow up with calls for those deals where there is a need.

・Lead nurturing through email
There are several possible methods of lead nurturing via e-mail, including e-mail newsletters, step e-mails, and segmented e-mails in which relevant campaign e-mails are sent only to those who click on a specific URL.

・Lead nurturing through webinars
Lead nurturing with webinars has the advantage of two-way communication between the organizer and participants. Since 2020, webinars have become more common to be held online, making it easier for participants to participate. However, from the organizer’s point of view, it is a difficult task to convert prospective customers into hot leads. However, organizers are facing a difficult time in terms of generating hot leads among potential customers.

For webinars for lead nurturing purposes, the following are key points

  • Target Audience: Narrowing down leads that are simply gathering information to those that are comparing and considering
  • Content: Present examples, prices, and features/performance that show benefits.

These are the basics of lead nurturing, from overview, benefits, and examples.

I&D provides high-quality inside sales representative services based on our track record of more than 3,000 projects completed in the past. Please feel free to contact us for more information.

The writer of this article.
Miyuki Saito

Manager, Global Solutions Department

Over 15 years of experience as a marketing manager, product manager, promotion, etc. for various global B2B companies.

Has executed many projects to support foreign companies wishing to start sales activities in Japan to expand their business overseas.

Graduated from the University of California, Berkeley.

B2B marketingMarketing Terms
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