ABM (Account Based Marketing) is a B2B marketing strategy where customer data is analyzed to identify customers valuable to the company, develop tailored strategies for each, and implement them to maximize profits. At Eye and Dee, we assist in telemarketing by identifying key individuals involved in product selection for specified accounts and securing appointments with them. This time, we will provide a comprehensive overview of creating target lists within ABM, from traditional methods to the latest trends.
Two Elements Necessary for Creating a Target List
Company Information
What company information is necessary for implementing ABM? The answer includes the official company name, industries, revenue category, employee size category, and corporate number. To create an ABM target list, it is essential first to prepare a database with these elements organized.

When selecting target companies from your database, the first steps should be data integration and customer information cleansing. Unify data scattered across various management tools like business card management software, CRM, SFA, and MA.
▼ Necessary Data Cleansing Tasks
・Unifying duplicate information
・Correcting department names
・Rectifying office address representations
・Unifying inconsistent representations
Once the data is organized, additional necessary information should be appended to it.
Key Person`s Information
Next, what individual information is needed? As with companies, the official full name is necessary. While ABM is not limited to telemarketing, when combining with methods like email or DM distribution, accurate kanji representation is needed.
Other necessary information includes their department, position, and the office they are stationed at, along with its location. During nurturing, direct department phone numbers, mobile numbers, the presence of a secretary for executives, roles/authorities within the department, and areas of responsibility should be recorded in the database linked to individuals.

To clarify the department, mapping the organization chart of target companies is effective. This involves crawling websites to clip organization charts and at the same time grasping organizational changes from official news releases to add them to the map. Public information on HR data for up to 250,000 employees in listed companies is available for purchase.
Selecting Accounts for ABM
Selection Based on Account Size and Industry
Once the groundwork for selecting companies is in place, how should they be narrowed down? Two methods come to mind: creating a share map and utilizing DMP advertising. A share map is a distribution chart created to understand to what extent a company can approach and offer its services/products to potential target companies in a B2B business, narrowing down targets by account size and industry.
For instance, when providing services/products to large corporations, a distribution chart is created by using the number of companies existing in Japan by industry and employee scale as the denominator, and the number of approached companies as the numerator to express the ratio as a percentage.
[How to Create a Share Map]
1. Classify your product targets by “revenue” × “industry”

2. Shape the numerator as your own data

3. Extract the denominator (target) as company data

Plotting the numerator and denominator helps decide the direction of measures. Example: If there are 15 companies nationwide and 3 have already been approached, leaving only 12, target 259 companies with telemarketing + approach all = send DMs.
Selecting Based on Their Needs
While the share map narrows down targets by account size and industry, DMP is a method for extracting companies with needs. DMP advertising is a service that obtains information on companies searching specific keywords online. This includes information like company name, main phone number, address, sales size, and industry. It involves anticipating and setting words potential customer segments might search, like the benefits of your products, competitor product names, or technical terms.

The defining feature of DMP advertising services is knowing about companies that are in the stage before visiting your website, allowing for the creation of a potential target segment list.
When executing Account Based Marketing, it is crucial to have accurate information on target companies and individuals ready in advance. On that basis, targets can be narrowed down by account size and industry, or companies with needs can be extracted from the web.
And I&D offer telemarketing services that thoroughly gather BANTC information as well as the necessary 5-item information. Please feel free to contact us.