Scripts for Inside Sales: 3 key points to improve results

B2B marketing

Scripts for Inside Sales: 3 key points to improve results

Inside Sales does not use a different talk flow for each person in charge of calling. Naturally, a common script is used.

The script is a conversation that describes the company’s introduction, the target of the call, the information to be heard, and the path to the goal. In this session, we will explain what points to keep in mind when composing a script to get the best results from inside sales, from the structure to sample conversations.

What is a Script for Inside Sales?

Scripts are used not only in inside sales, but also in field sales, to define what to say to prospects and in what order. The use of scripts has the advantage of sharing know-how and standardizing sales talk.

With the increase in online business negotiations since the Corona disaster, there will be many situations where scripts will be needed even more.

Script Structure

The inside sales script consists of five main parts

1.               Opening
2.               Ask prospective clients for their opinions and issues
3.               Proposal
4.               Sales approach
5.               Closing

Script Contents

The key points for each part are as follows.

Communicate the purpose of the call in a straightforward and clear manner, along with an introduction to the company. To contact the key person, make sure you know the exact name of the department, title, and last name in advance.
For example: “I am sorry to bother you, but I need to speak to (exact last name), Executive Officer and General Manager of the Cloud Promotion Division.

Ask prospective clients for their opinions and issues
Check with the 6W2H to see if it matches the target image the customer actually had in mind.
6W:1. when 2. where 3. who 4. to whom 5. why 6. what
2H: 1. how 2. at what price
Example: “Thank you very much for attending our Dr.Marketing introduction seminar held the other day. I am calling today to thank you for attending the seminar and to ask you about the current situation and issues related to prospect management and your position.

Communicate how the strengths (value proposition) of your product will benefit the customer with Feature, Advantage, Benefit.

Sales approach
Suggest that the salesperson contact you again regarding the business meeting.

Confirm contact information for business meetings and ongoing information provision, and thank them for their response.
Example: “We will continue to provide you with updates by phone or e-mail. Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule.”

Three key points to improve results

Point 1: Design from the goal

The first step in creating an inside sales script is to identify the goal. Without a clear idea of what you ultimately want to accomplish, there is no point in building up the process to that point.
The goal should be designed according to the nature of the call, such as whether the first goal is to obtain the names of customers who have needs, or whether appointments are to be made only to those who have a complete BANTC and plan to introduce or subcontract the service.

▼Example of Sales Appointment Acquisition Criteria
Sales Certainty: High Introduction/outsourcing is planned (BANTC is confirmed)
Sales Certainty: Medium Consideration of introduction, time undecided (BANTC has not yet been determined)
Sales Certainty: Low Interest/issues exist

Point 2: Clarify the value proposition

Next, clarify the value proposition of the product. A value proposition is the value that customers want, that your company can provide, and that competitors cannot provide. You could say that it is a strength that others cannot imitate.

Point 3: Communicate with FAB (Feature, Advantage, and Benefit)

In the proposal, the value proposition is communicated to the customer in the FAB.
FAB is a combination of the following three acronyms
F: Feature → Product and Solution Features
A: Advantage → Factors that can be gleaned from its characteristics
B: Benefit → Benefit from its features

The important question is “How will this benefit the customer? When creating a talk script, it is necessary to always be aware of such “customer perspective” and “benefits to the customer.


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