B2B marketing Marketing Strategy Challenges in Japan for Foreign companies The following is a description of how to solve the challenges that foreign companies face when establishing a presence in Japan. 2022.09.13 Miyuki Saito B2B marketingMarketing Strategies
B2B marketing What is Critical Mass? Critical mass refers to the juncture at which the diffusion rate of a product or service jumps all at once.Usually, when a product or service is introduced to the market, it is accepted by a segment of the consumer population called innovators and gradually spreads to the conservative consumer population via a segment called early adopters. 2022.08.22 Miyuki Saito B2B marketingMarketing Terms
B2B marketing How to Cold Call B2B Leads Do you think cold calling is shunned?Certainly, the receptionist may think so.But you can't talk to the person in charge unless you ask the receptionist to intervene.To talk to the person in charge, you need to be a little creative. 2022.08.15 Miyuki Saito B2B marketingMarketing Strategies
B2B marketing Is nurturing a means or an end? In my daily contact with marketing personnel from various companies, I have recently noticed that many of them are unable to answer questions such as the above when they are asked.Perhaps it is because it is a very basic question that they have trouble answering it.I would like to rethink the purpose of nurturing. 2022.08.09 Miyuki Saito B2B marketingMarketing Strategies
B2B marketing What is Inside Sales? About the two typical roles, SDR and BDR Inside sales is a term used to describe sales activities conducted in a non-personal manner using calls and e-mails. Among call-based sales techniques, inside sales is unique in that it is a sales activity that focuses on relationship building compared to other call-based sales techniques. 2022.08.01 Miyuki Saito B2B marketingMarketing Terms
B2B marketing 3 ways to speak to build a relationship of trust practiced by telephone professionals Call representatives are not the only ones who are concerned about the way they speak, which builds rapport with others.So, what do call representatives practice? 2022.07.21 Miyuki Saito B2B marketingTIPS for Inside Sales
B2B marketing What is Lead Nurturing? Benefits and 3 specific methods Lead nurturing refers to "nurturing prospective customers (leads) into customers. 2022.07.15 Miyuki Saito B2B marketingMarketing Terms
B2B marketing Inside Sales TIPS: Who is really suited for inside sales? In this issue, we will tell you what kind of person is "really suited for inside sales" and the unknown charms of inside sales. 2022.07.06 Miyuki Saito B2B marketingTIPS for Inside Sales
B2B marketing FAB Analysis for Successful Telemarketing FAB analysis is a framework used in presentation, sales, and product design, and is an acronym for Feature, Advantage, and Benefit. 2022.06.22 Miyuki Saito B2B marketingMarketing Terms
B2B marketing Inside sales workflow to increase appointment acquisition rates To achieve results with inside sales, it is essential to (1) manage KPI, (2) collaborate with the sales and marketing departments, and (3) share effective information within the team. 2022.06.17 Miyuki Saito B2B marketingTIPS for Inside Sales