Israrullah HABIBI

B2B marketing

Is LinkedIn highly Effective for Digital Marketing in Japan?

Explore why LinkedIn falls short as a marketing tool in Japan compared to Western markets. Learn about cultural differences, alternative ways, and effective strategies for success in Japanese digital marketing.
Japan-Specific Marketing Strategies

Entering Japan with Your Little Scholars

Thinking about moving to Japan with your family? Before you take the plunge, explore this blog to ease your concerns about your children's education. From Japanese school life and language learning to school lunches and costs, find valuable insights and solutions from a global perspective!
B2B marketing

Essential Considerations for Doing Business in Japan: Insights from My Experience

Explore the challenges and secrets to success for foreign companies entering the Japanese market. Understand the importance of Japanese culture and business practices, how to build trust, and the support provided by I&D for effectively navigating the Japanese business landscape.
B2B marketing

How Advanced Technology and Innovation are Shaping Society and Human Existence

Robot is assisting human proparly.
B2B marketing

Utilizing Market Research to Navigate Business Expansion into the Japanese Market

We`re going to explain the keys to expand your market in Japan.
B2B marketing

My first impression as a foreigner working with I&D Inc.

"Join Israrullah HABIBI as he shares his insights and experiences at I&D, highlighting the organization's unique values, adaptive systems. Discover how I&D integrates McKinsey's 7S framework and leverages advanced marketing and AI tools for exceptional lead generation and service delivery."
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